Köp aktier i Sagax B - enkelt och billigt hos Avanza Bank. Klicka här för att se aktiekursen och köpa till marknadens lägsta courtage.


The board of directors in AB Sagax (publ) (”Sagax” or the ”Company”) has, based on the authorization granted by the annual general meeting on 6 May 2020, resolv

in Engineering from the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm and M.Sc. in Economics from the Stockholm School of Economics. Aktiebolaget Sagax är ett fastighetsbolag som äger ett antal fastigheter i Stockholmsområdet och även enstaka objekt i andra städer. Företaget och styrelsen har sitt säte i Stockholm, och dess grundare, VD sedan 2004 och huvudägare är David Mindus.

Sagax board

  1. Lars karlsson sca
  2. Jstor lund

Corporate governance. Corporate Governance Report. 59. Board of Directors.

Corporate governance AB Sagax (publ) is a Swedish public limited-liability company listed on Nasdaq Stockholm Large Cap. The company shall, directly or through its subsidiaries, own, manage and conduct business with real property, along with activities related to such operations.

AB Sagax (publ), Engelbrektsplan 1 114 34 Stockholm, Sweden. Tel +46 (0)8 545 83 540 Shareholdings in AB Sagax on December 31, 2020: 4 264 928 ordinary shares series A, 34 970 660 ordinary shares series B and 95 600 ordinary shares series D. David Mindus Board member and CEO since 2004.

The Board of Directors of Nyfosa and Sagax intends to propose their Annual General Meetings to resolve on a dividend in kind in the form of shares corresponding to 15 percent of the total number of shares in Torslanda Property Investment. Söderport is owned equally by Nyfosa and AB Sagax.

Other Board assignments: Board member of companies including Tagehus Holding AB, Hemsö Fastighets AB, Delarka Holding AB, Kallebäck Property Invest AB, K2A Knaust & Andersson Fastigheter AB and Nicoccino Holding AB. Under senaste månaden kursen på SAGAX D har gått ner en bit men Telia har gått mycket mer fast Telia är nästan lika som en D-aktie, de har ju sagt att kommande åren ska betala "minst" 2 kr. Nu i och med att Telia gått ner extra kan man med förmån byta till Telia och på köpet man har några plus: + Telias kurs motsats Sagax D kan gå upp härifrån med potential 10 kr upp. AB Sagax is a property company whose business concept is to invest in commercial properties, primarily in the warehouse and light industry segment. Sagax’s property holdings at 31 December 2020 amounted to 3,480,000 square metres, distributed between 673 properties.

Sep 2015 - Present5 years 8  CFO and Deputy CEO at AB Sagax since 2012. Shareholding in the Company: 30,000 ordinary shares (via pension insurance).
Misslyckad operation

Sagax board

Arbetslivserfarenhet: Investeringsanalys och transaktioner inom fastighetssektorn. Innehav i AB Sagax den 31 december 2020: 200 A-aktier, 40 439 B-aktier, 8 492 D-aktier och 41 181 teckningsoptioner B-aktier. Sagax direktägda fastighetsinnehav uppgår till 3 500 000 kvadratmeter fördelat på cirka 700 fastigheter.

on board the Norwegian research vessel R.V. Dr. Fridtjof Nansen. During the first two days, the area was surveyed twice using sonar and conventional echo-. 30 Aug 2020 Abstract.
Patricia benner

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Operations are funded using a combination of equity, interest-bearing liabilities and other liabilities. The financial structure of Sagax is designed with a clear focus on operating cash flow and the interest coverage ratio.